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Building the capacity of 


Working with groups in the Community

At the CDO, we aim to support and resource groups of the community to further their goals. We do this by acting as an advisory body that provides assistance and training catering it to the specific needs of the group.

Sydney Alliance St George Sutherland District

CDO is a partner organisation of the Sydney Alliance and plays a key role in supporting its St George/Sutherland district. These districts, located across Sydney, attempt to enable local cooperation and action on issues through surfacing these issues, developing leaders and sharing stories that will be part of organising people in the area from religious organisations, community groups and trade unions around an agenda for the Common Good.

Sydney Alliance 2 Day Foundation Training

This 2 day Training is based on the philosophy and practices of community organising developed by the Industrial Areas Foundation in over 65 years of successful organising experience.  These ideas are translated to an Australian context. CDO staff play a lead role in this training.


Schools Leadership Training Program in Community Organising

The Schools Leadership Training is a flexible program catered to high school leaders, particularly SRC, prefects, and social justice committees and the schools they come from. Its purpose is to develop the capacity of student leaders to be a voice for their fellow students and lead their school community (and to eventually lead in the wider community). Here we give sessions on leadership, advocacy and community organising to give them the leadership skills they need to take ownership over their student leadership positions.

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